mercredi 26 avril 2017

Kabylian Food 

Hello everyone 😉 I hope you're fine ! 
We meet again in a new blog 😘 
It is going to be about food in my region 🍔 🍩

I begin with the most delecious one 😋 
Kouskous cokked with all vegetables 🍅🍆
All the familly meets around the table to share this dish

Chorba is one of the various kinds of soup 
wich we eat evry day in Ramadan 

Here is the best homebread in the world wich called 
Elkessra ! 

Usually we prepare tomato and peper to it with Elkessra !! 

For desserts most Kabylain prefer fruits !
Each season with a fruit  
For example in summer's days we love the wattermelon 

The End 💙 See you tomorow with new article 
and new subject ! 

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